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Solar freezing method

    1 , used antifreeze : normal sunny day in winter , when the temperature is below 0 ℃, the best small amount every day , multiple use of water heaters . Especially before going to sleep and wake up , put a small amount of water so that the water flows inside the tubes , pipes rely on water to increase the temperature . The lower the temperature the more and more to turn on the water , in case pipes freeze plugs.

    2 , dripping antifreeze : usually heed weather, when the temperature dropped to -7 ℃ the following night after running out of hot water , the tank will be filled with water . Since then connected to a basin under the showerhead or faucet , the hot water valve release point to drip slowly to keep water flowing through the pipe , usually a pot of water flow at night to avoid frozen pipes blocked .

    3 , emptying antifreeze : If the pipe during the installation did not reverse slope , then run out of water, the water heater can be vented , and keep the drain valve normally open, so as not to make the pipes freeze blocked . Another is to install a drain valve , run automatically each time after emptying the water to solve the problem.

    Solar water heater insulation freezing winter frost critical problem connecting pipes , pipe insulation sleeve must take fully wrapped , including the joints , the northern region of low temperatures , it is best to install thicker insulation casing, and then wrapped with aluminum foil tape wrapped , so it will not be frozen water pipes . Some better quality water pipes , it is best to install a water level, temperature indicator , you can always check the tank 's water level, water conditions , and the face of rainy weather , do not fill the water tank , plus half of it. In addition, the joints on the tank , electric heating pipe joints , if no special protective cover protective case, it should be wrapped foam sheet or sponge , and then sealed with adhesive tape .

    When the use of solar water heaters have a misunderstanding : that night after running out of hot water , fill the water heater immediately ready to use the next day , this is undesirable . Low winter temperatures at night , if filled with water , it is easy to cause the water heater once frozen pipes cracking. So , when used, add water to determine how much time and according to the degree of cold weather . If the outdoor temperature is above 0 ℃, the night can be considered water ; If the outdoor temperature is below 0 ℃, it is best to choose the next morning add water to prevent frozen at the outlet . Encountered rain and snow, but also appropriate to reduce the amount of water in the solar water heater .

    Leading to the interior of the tank in winter , blocking the pipeline is also vulnerable to freezing , water heaters use to bring many difficulties. In order to overcome the upper and lower pipes freeze blocking, and introduced many people to adopt new technologies , but also encounter the following problems, such as:


1 . On , the pipeline of additional external insulation sleeve thick frost plug . But when you encounter snow for several days, overcast weather , or cause the frozen blocking the pipeline .

2 . On the upper and lower pipes freezing method used to siphon emptying blocked . Because of the need to introduce the use of hot water extraction tank input , the need for a long time after the water in the microfluidic remaining water discharge conduit , which requires only the installation of two or more control valves , the operation is extremely troublesome.

3 . In the tank outlet valve at the device , a so-called "smart emptying system" on the water after the pipeline be emptied to prevent freezing of water pipes blocked . However, due to the solenoid valve drive and control circuits are often out of control, no water when the water is not when the Sheung Shui , causing the winter freeze blocking the pipeline . " Intelligent evacuation system " became " bullied emptying system ."

4 . In the tank at the outlet cable pulling device control valve to control the pipe emptying antifreeze blocked . Since the traction control cable pulleys often make the runway , wrapped around the shaft , wear and other reasons , but also make the control valve out of control , causing the winter freeze blocking the pipeline .

5. On the external device is powered antifreeze band blocking the pipeline . Due process requires the use of energy , will encounter the aging , leakage , etc., leading to unfavorable factors to personal safety.

6. On the inside of the pipeline using additional metal coolant pipe insulation antifreeze indoor heating water blocking . As a result of the metal coolant pipe , bringing increased manufacturing costs and installation hassle ; same amount of water inside the tube also blocked.

7 . On the inside of the pipeline hollow tubes enter additional indoor heating insulation antifreeze blocked . Similarly , the use of pipe casing, but also bring increased manufacturing cost and installation hassle ; while the amount of water inside the tube will be blocked.

From top 1,2,7 , solar water heaters use when opening , the pipeline should be discharged every moment of cold water only hot water use , which wasted a lot of water .

Of the 3,4,5,6 , although each time you open the solar water heater used in both low-temperature water pipe use, but encountered several days of overcast snow connections , but also the temperature inside the tank drops below 0 ℃ , causing the water tank and pipes freezing cold block . Moreover , the need to install the operating system composed by the four control valves , control valves , or 2 + solenoid valve in the room , a little careless use, the misuse of a valve which would result in the formation of frozen water pipes blocked . Moreover , each also wasted a lot of solar water heaters, hot water output pipe emptying emptying .

关键词: 高分子PP塑料内胆,路障围栏,太阳能内胆,吹塑水马,食品桶化工桶,汽车风道,中空吹塑制品
版权为青岛联真新能源有限公司所有,专业塑料内胆与塑料集热板生产厂  技术支持:华夏商务网